Advanced Poly Clinic. Pani Pokhari 4543386, 4431078, 9803867233 [email protected]

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Bird Flu

Bird Flu

Key Facts About Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) and Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A (H5N1) Virus Avian influenza is flu infection in birds. The...

Heart Attack

Heart Attack

Incidence of Heart Attacks are increasing in Nepal in alarming rates. More and more younger people are dying of heart attacks in Nepal.  The...

Sudden Death: Are you at Risk?

Sudden Death: Are you at Risk?

Sudden Death can be predicted and prevented. Don’t become a part of a statistics for Sudden Cardiac Death. These days, in Nepal, we see more...

PAP Smear

Pap smear test (also known as Pap test) is a screening test for cervical cancer. Cervical cancer can almost always be prevented, and having...