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Did you know that we can predict if you are going have a Heart Attack or Stroke in next one year? Did you know that we can prevent it? Did you know that we can as well predict Diabetes, high blood pressure and other life threatening diseases? So far we have already done more than 5000 Executive health checkups, and more than 500 lives saved by preventing life threatening diseases. We are the best preventive health care service provider in Nepal with Zero Error Reports.
- Routine Blood test (Total blood count, differential count, hemoglobin, erythrocytes sedimentation rate)
- Routine Urine test with urine sugar and albumin
- Routine Stool test
- Fasting Blood sugar
- Lipid (cholesterol) profile
- Renal (kidney) function test
- Liver function test
- Serum Uric acid
- Thyroid Function Test- TSH
- Electrocardiogram – ECG
- Echocardiograpy – ECHO
- Stress (exercise) ECG – TMT
- Pulmonary (lungs) Function Test – PFT
- Ultrasound of abdomen – USG
- Chest X-ray
- Physician’s consultation
- Surgical consultation for males
- Gynecology consultation for females
When are these tests performed?
These tests are performed 7 am onwards every day, including on holidays. You should not have taken any food for at least 8 hours prior to taking these tests.
How long does it take?
Just 2 hours. Reports will be ready the next day.
Prior appointment is necessary in order to make your stay at APC efficient and as short as possible.