Advanced Poly Clinic. Pani Pokhari 4543386, 4431078, 9803867233 [email protected]

Gynecology Package - Women Health Plan

Being a man or a woman has a significant impact on health as a result of both biological and gender-related differences. Keeping in mind that health is an important concern for all women, we have recently introduced Gynae Package (GP) in the list of Preventive Health Check-up. Gynae Package is the comprehensive “Women Health Plan” that addresses the special needs of women in their early, middle years and beyond, with the goal to help them to lead a healthy life with quality aging.

Women Health Plan Includes

Gynecologist's Consultation (OPD)


NPR 930

CBC - Complete Blood Count, ESR


NPR 1555

Fasting Blood Sugar

NPR 135


NPR 1350

Uric Acid

NPR 270


NPR 450


NPR 810


NPR 810

Vit D

NPR 3215

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

NPR 1000

Total Cholesterol

NPR 405


NPR 475

Urine Rountine Test

NPR 205

USG - Ultrasound of Abdomen & Pelvis

NPR 1700

USG Breast (Breast cancer test)

NPR 2126

PAP Smear - Cervical Cencer Screening (Female)

NPR 1235

Package Price

NPR 9900


Call us for more info and appointments

CAMP Package

Additional Information to Patients

When are these tests performed?

These tests are performed 7 am onwards every day, including on holidays. You should not have taken any food for at least 8 hours prior to taking these tests.

How long does it take?

Just 2.5 hours. However you will need to come back exactly 2 hours after lunch to give blood sample for PP Blood Sugar. Reports will be ready the next day.

Prior appointment is necessary in order to make your stay at APC efficient and as short as possible.


Dr. Jyoti Neupane Limbu MD

Senior Consultant Gynecologist
  20 years experience

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