Advanced Poly Clinic. Pani Pokhari 4543386, 4431078, 9803867233 [email protected]

Author Archive

17 articles
Silent Killers

Silent Killers

Yes. The name itself sounds like a horror movie. You won’t have a slightest idea, that they are already after you and it’s just a matter of time when one day, you will realize that they are...

PAP Smear

Pap smear test (also known as Pap test) is a screening test for cervical cancer. Cervical cancer can almost always be prevented, and having regular Pap tests is the key to this. Pap test is a medical...

Swine Flu H1N1

Swine Flu H1N1

Swine Flu H1N1 is currently affecting India deadly with more than 800 people have already lost their lives since their outbreak in December 2014. With our open borders with India, Nepal is a Country most...

Low Back Pain

Low Back Pain

Where is itThe low back spine, in the back area between your ribs and your hips is called the Lumbar spine. It is made up of 5 bones called vertebrae and having cushions between each bone. These cushions –...

Osteoporosis – A Silent killer

Osteoporosis – A Silent killer

Osteoporosis is a silent killer and is coming up as an epidemic all over the world. There is low bone mass and structural deterioration of bone tissue, which makes the bone fragile. Increase fragility...

Sudden Death: Are you at Risk?

Sudden Death: Are you at Risk?

Sudden Death can be predicted and prevented. Don’t become a part of a statistics for Sudden Cardiac Death. These days, in Nepal, we see more and more healthy young people are dying suddenly without any...